A woman giving birth is a natural process, but it can be a stressful, and even a frightening event when things go wrong. Therefore one can only imagine the anxiety, and way these two mum’s Mellisa, and Monica must have felt, when about to give birth they were told their doctor was caught in a flood.
However, even a flood of waist deep water, and heavy rain, was not going to keep this determined doctor from getting to his patients who badly needed him. Doctor Bassem Maximus was on his way to the hospital when he was caught in the flood causing his car to stall. When he stepped out he was hit with pelting hard rain, and had to wade in waist deep water to get to the hospital. Luckily, he was not hurt by any objects floating around in that water. Mellisa’s birth was going to be by C section, which is why he was even more so determined. Bassem Thank’s God he was able to get there in time to safely deliver Mila, and Bradley. He will never forget what he had to go through to deliver these two beautiful babies. The mum’s no doubt will forever be grateful, for his determined devotion to them, and their babies.