When Ilene Ortiz bought a second-hand record she had no idea what else was tucked inside the album cover. It contained a touching 70 year old love letter. It was from a decorated World War II Veteran, named Bill Moore who told INSIDE EDITION it was to his future wife Bernadean. The letter was written while Bill was serving in Patton’s 3rd Army, during the historic Battle of the Bulge. Bill sent the emotion packed letter to his sweet heart with the gut wrenching knowledge his future was uncertain, and he did not know if he would ever return home.
When Ileen found Bill who is now 90 years old, he was grateful, and overwhelmed to have the letter full of memories back. Bill’s family is also incredibly happy to have the precious letter as well, because Bernadean died in 2010. Their marriage had lasted 63 wonderful years. Unfortunately all the other letters the family had from the couple were lost after Bernadean’s death. If it were possible for someone to reach down from heaven to remind their family how much they are loved, that letter would certainly be a clever way!