Kayden Kinckle is truly one incredible little boy! This video shows 2 year old Kayden after he had his left leg, and right foot amputated, and walked on his prosthetic’s for the first time. His inspiring never quit attitude echoes in his words, “I got it.” He falls a few times, but quitting is not in this child’s vocabulary, melting the hearts of the world, and especially his proud parents.
Nicole and Kevin were urged by doctor’s while Nicole was pregnant to abort her baby because it would have Omphalocele. An Omphalocele is a condition where the baby in the womb develops with the organs outside of their body. The muscles in the abdomen do not grow closed the way they are supposed to, and the abdominal contents literally protrude through a hole outside of the belly. What the doctor’s didn’t know about this family, is that they were a family of strong faith and trust in God. They did not put their trust in man, realizing man is fallible, and did not consider abortion. They walked in faith, trusting that if God brought them to it, he would bring them through it, and that is just what he did. Both Kevin and Nicole said they just stepped out in faith, trusted God, and knew it was all going to be o.k. Faith is a gift that when hard times occur helps sustain people through those hard times. If we just trust God, and realize he has a plan for our lives, and ask for his help, he can turn any situation around.
Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”(NIV)
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”(NIV)
The way this family turned to God for help and leaned on him for strength is a wonderful thing, and great example of the way only God can work the most difficult situations for good, and to his glory. Kayden and his family are now inspiring, and impacting the lives of thousands of people around the world with their testimony about having faith, perseverance, love, and trusting God.