When Dan Hane’s parent’s left their 19 month old son safely tucked in his bed, they had no idea there was an unforeseen danger lurking in his room. Matter of fact that same danger is lurking in many children’s bedrooms today. Once his parent’s had left Dan pulled his dresser drawers out, emptied them, and climbed up them causing the dresser to tip and fall full force on him. The fall cracked a piece of his skull off, causing him to aspirate and it went into his lungs. He was without oxygen for some time, and when he was found he was grey blue. He was in critical condition and the diagnosis was dire. Doctors held out little hope of recovery if any.
The wonderful thing about life is the fact that God has the ultimate say in our lives. He is the one who is supposed to set the time for the days of our lives and not us. With prayer and faith all things are possible even miracles, such as it says in this scripture.
Mathew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”
When the Bishop prayed for Dan and interceded along with all the other prayers that were said for Dan, God heard and granted them. Dan is proof that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful and they do get answered. James5:15 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.”
As a result of the fall Daniel was blind, couldn’t swallow, and was in a wheelchair when he was finally able to return home. After being prayed for again by their Bishop Daniel started to improve once again. His recovery was not easy as he had to relearn how to do everything. He didn’t back down from the challenge and continued improving and even regained his sight. His determination to do things was unstoppable, and he is an inspiration to anyone who is struggling with any kind of trauma or set backs in life. It is our hope that this story brings about awareness of the danger an unsecured dresser can cause and spurs parent’s to take action and secure them.