There’s a saying we’ve all heard that goes, “elephants never forget.” We think it should be elephants never forget and will fiercly protect their care takers with every ounce of their being. It is a good thing that man took off quickly and the elephant didn’t get at him. Thongsri is the female, 17 year old elephant in this video. She displays just how motherly and protective an elephant can be with someone they care for. When her trainer stages a fake attack, Thongsri rushes in to rescue and care for him. The animal fully understands exactly what is happening. She runs the attacker off and even bends down to give her trainer attention, she even tries to wrap her trunk around him. It resembles a friend bending down to a child and putting her arm around them to console them after they are hurt. The protectiveness and loyalty, Thongsri shows for her caregiver says a lot about their friendship. Her compassionate, loving reaction was actually quite amazing and beautiful to see, this care giver is obviously doing a great job with this animal.
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