There are times in life that we do small things for people that we just do to be kind, then we move on and don’t give them much thought after. Often what we fail to realize is that those little things can mean the world to someone else when they are going through difficult times. Any mother knows that travelling with kids can be a lot of fun, and it can also be difficult as well. Shanelle Mouland knows this first hand. She’s the mom of a 3 year old named, Kate who has autism. Shanelle was braced for the worst as her daughter does not do well with long journey’s.
So when Kate started calling the stranger who sat beside them in the plane “daddy” Shanelle was already braced and waiting for a stern look, judgement, or a polite brush off. Instead what the stranger does surprises mom, leaves her extremely grateful, and with some best travel memories Kate and her have ever had.