Living in South Portland Christine Royles was a 23 year old mom with a 2 year old son. She was on dialysis for some time and desperately needed a kidney, and the chances of her getting one were not good! People waiting on the list in the USA for a kidney number at one hundred thousand, the amount of people who actually receive a kidney is only seventeen thousand, all the people in between do not receive one and eventually die.
Christine took the initiative and posted a public request for a kidney on the back of her vehicle! When Josh Dall-Leighton’s wife saw it as they drove by, he was so moved he immediately texted her to see if he could help. A father of three children stated that he knows how much a child needs their mother, and that was part of the reason he wanted to help. What Josh is doing is giving this woman the gift of another chance at life. What a wonderfully unselfish act of love to his fellow human. Hopefully people will help with the go fund me and help him, and his family while Josh is recovering. What Josh is doing is a great reminder of this bible quote.
Mathew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'(NIV)