This story was both beautifully heart melting and sad at the same time. When the animal shelter worker finds the puppies it was just in time to save them from completely freezing to death. Howl of a Dog is a non profit, operating in Romania that rescues neglected, abandoned, or abused animals. They try to rehabilitate and find the animals permanent homes. The organizations goal is to educate and bring awareness for the need of a more compassionate and responsible society when it comes to all animals.
It is absolutely cruel, and inhumane to dump a puppy, or kitten, off at a remote location where it will starve, freeze, or become prey to other animals. It is a sobering thought to realize that some day all of us will stand before Almighty God to be judged, and will have to give an account of how we treated His creation that was entrusted to all of humanity.
This story’s ending was wonderful to watch as the dogs began to thrive and grow. We hope they are adopted into loving homes soon, as they certainly deserve it and have so much love to share. To donate to the shelter go to,