It is estimated that 22+ veterans commit suicide everyday, 300,000 suffer with PTSD, and up to 50,000 are homeless. They are struggling without enough social support to transition back in to society. There are huge problems they have to contend with, such as psychological problems like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or (PTSD), as well as invisible, and physical wounds like Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), physical disabilities, and much more.
United States Marine Corp veteran Kenny Bass, was injured in Iraq when a bomb blast caused him to endure a traumatic brain injury. Because he did not seem wounded externally, he was right back to performing his duty the next day. Unfortunately now because of that event, and improper care, the after effects are still impacting him. He has the symptoms of TBI, and PTSD.
When Kenny returned home and was trying to transition back into normal life, he was denied financial coverage from the VA for a service dog. Service dogs are specially trained psychiatric, mobility, therapy dogs that observe, intervene, and assist their Veteran owners. They help them cope with symptoms of PTSD, TBI, physical limitations, and improve quality of life. Seeing the need for the dogs, and gap in services, Kenny stepped in and founded an organization that helps train service dogs and pairs them with veterans at no cost. The organization is a non-profit, founded by veterans for veterans, and is called The Battle Buddy Foundation, to donate or to get more information click here.
For more information on signs and symptoms of PTSD, TBI, Suicide Intervention, how to support and help our veterans click here If you or someone you know are a veteran and are in crisis, please contact the VETERANS CRISIS HOTLINE at 1.800.273.8255 #1