Over the next 25 years the population of our seniors is expected to double. So programs like the one in this video, may become more the norm than they are right now. After watching this video, we truly hope inter-generational learning centers become a part of mainstream healthcare and education!
At Providence Mount St. Vincent, in Seattle, Washington, beautiful interactions take place between the seniors living in this residence, and the children from the preschool. The preschool is fortunately also located in the building. Both age groups bring wonderful gifts to their encounters together. The elderly share the wisdom of their life long experience, patient kindness, time, and loving attention with the children. The children bring their innocent joy for life, unconditional love, and are a welcome distraction from humdrum boredom for the seniors. With so many elders experiencing isolation, depression, loneliness, and physical decline, it’s easy to see how both these age groups are actually benefiting each other. They are helping fulfill each other’s basic human needs, especially with love, respect, and socialization. They’re benefiting each other in very positive and meaningful ways and we here at Faithreel.org look forward to seeing programs like this become a healthy way of helping both our seniors and preschooler’s in the future.