When I saw this woman’s X ray I was puzzled, and had to look and see what was beside her spine. It turned out to be shocking, unthinkable, and it brought us to tears! Aimee Eckert was just driving along doing the speed limit when another person slammed into her vehicle, and changed all three of their lives forever. The other woman was speeding, and texting, when she slammed into Aimee’s vehicle. The crash has devastated Aimee leaving her with an amputation, and load of other health problems to deal with, but the worst is the loss of her baby boy as seen in the X ray. The other woman was given a ticket, and people think she got off easy. Penalties for this crime need to be harder if we want this to stop! The fact is one woman is grieving numerous losses, in limb, and the irreplaceable lost life of a baby. The other will no doubt carry the guilt, shame, stigma, and public condemnation of her recklessness for a very long time.
Aimee is sharing her story to help make a difference, to bring awareness to this issue, and she is having an impact on others. Some people have criticized Aimee for her faith in God, that is just plain wrong, cruel, and rude! Her beliefs have given her strength, comfort, and the hope that there is a purpose for her life. God and Faith is what is sustaining her! So anyone who is knocking that, should reevaluate why they are destructively trying to tear away this girls hope for healing, when it is God, and her faith that is giving her the strength to make sense of her life, heal, and move forward. What ever happened to the concept of Live, and Let Live! Nobody deserves to have salt thrown on a wound!
So many lives have been devastated by texting, and phone calls while driving. That phone call, or text, is just not that important, no matter what it is, it is not worth the loss of any human life. Everybody loses when people speed, text, and drive, please don’t do it!