In 1998, a US Department of Health survey stated 105 newborn babies were found abandoned, and 33 of those babies that had been abandoned out in public were found already dead. In order to stop these needless deaths, safe haven drop off locations were set up all over the United States. Women who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy caused by things like rape, incest, or are scared, confused, and don’t know what to do, can now use these safe haven drop off locations. The sites are there so mother’s in crisis can give the custody of their unharmed newborns to authorities.
This video is heart breaking, but highlights the need for more people to be aware, and share the information, that newborn babies can be dropped off at these sites with NO QUESTIONS ASKED, ANONYMOUSLY. Each state has a different period of time that the newborn can be dropped off, but it must be soon after birth. The mother may also be offered medical attention that can be critical after giving birth. She is also free to decline that medical attention, she does not have to give her name, and it is confidential.
If you or someone you know needs to use a safe haven drop off location, they are usually at your local hospitals, fire station, police station, emergency medical personnel, and child protective service agencies. We here at Faith Reel are asking all our readers to please share this article, it could save a helpless baby’s life.