When 23-year-old Alonzo Johnson observed a distraught 83-year-old man almost frozen with fear, and trying to get on an escalator he stepped up in an awesome way. The senior was hesitating at the top struggling with the memory of a bad experience he had suffered through in the past. Alonzo gently encouraged and gave the man the reassurance of a friendly helping hand as he held on and steadied him. He calmed him as he talked with him as they both made their way down the escalator. It’s important to remember that as people get into their senior years their strength and agility is sometimes not like it was when they were younger, and the man’s hesitance is understandable. It’s important for us as a society to remember to be patient, considerate, and above all respectful with our seniors especially when they are struggling. Don’t hesitate to extend a helping hand, our senior’s are precious and we need to show them we all care! What Alonzo did was a display humanity at it’s absolute best, Well Done Alonzo!
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