In Zamboanga City, in the Philippines, a happy homecoming, and celebration for a hero dog named Kabang was held. The dog was presented with a Red Cross Medal in recognition of the heroic act she had done by saving two girls lives. While about to cross the street the dogs owner’s daughter, and another girl, were not paying attention and about to step into the street. Kabang saw they were about to be hit by a motorcycle, dove out in front of them, and saved their lives. When she dove out her nose, and jaw were caught by the front wheel, and literally torn off. This left Kabang with a gaping hole in her face, and prone to infection. Kabang’s owner did not want to euthanize Kabang because he was so grateful the dog had saved two girls lives.
When the news of Kabang’s heroism spread around the world, compassionate people from 18 different countries sent donations for Kabang to go to the United States to have surgery. Once she was there veterinarians found the poor dog had other problems that had to be dealt with before they could even attempt any kind of reconstructive surgery. Kabang had heartworm disease, and cancer. The little fighter spent a total of 8 months in the U.S.A. getting much needed treatment, and recovering. She is now as you will see in the video, doing well, and very happy to be home with her family. A family she was more than willing to give her life for. This dog deserves to be spoiled for the rest of her life!