This eleven-year-old Belgian Gelding horse, is a whopping 6 feet and 10 3/4 inches tall. He now weighs over 2,600 and at birth he weighed an incredible 240 pounds. He was appropriately named, Big Jake and he lives at Smokey Hollow Farms, in Wisconsin. In 2012 Guinness World Records crowned him, “The tallest living horse.” Jake is known to be a big gentle giant, with a great playful sense of humor.
Jake is a reminder to us all that God has given human’s the incredible responsibility of stewardship of this planet, and entrusted us with such an amazing creation. So please take a moment and join us in this short prayer. Holy, Almighty God, Thank You for everything you have given us on this planet there is plenty for all of us, teach us to share, be kind, respect one another, and bring peace to this world. Also to be good stewards of Your creation, and to always remember to worship You alone, our Creator not your creation. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen
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